Project #3: Blackjack
/// Name: Kelsey Lieberman
/// Period 5
/// Program Name: Blackjack
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 2/21/2016
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class Blackjack
static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
static int index = 0; /// integer variable that can be used to call upon a number within the array defined below.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Integer[] cards = new Integer[52]; /// creates an array of 52 cards (assigns values in next for-loop). Avoids repeats of cards.
String playerName, playAgain;
double playerMoney = 500;
System.out.println("\nWelcome to Kdawg's casino!!! Lets play blackjack!");
System.out.print("What is your name? ");
playerName = keyboard.nextLine();
do /* do-while loop so player can play multiple times */
cards = new Integer[52];
for (int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) ///assigns values to cards introduced above
cards[i] = i + 2;
Collections.shuffle(Arrays.asList(cards)); ///shuffles the deck; randomizes the order of the array
int playerCard1 = nextCard(cards), playerCard2 = nextCard(cards);
int dealerCard1 = nextCard(cards), dealerCard2 = nextCard(cards);
int playerTotal = cardValue(playerCard1) + cardValue(playerCard2);
int dealerTotal = cardValue(dealerCard1) + cardValue(dealerCard2);
int newCard;
double bet;
boolean blackjack1 = false, blackjack2 = false, betIsGood;
String ans;
/// these are the dealer and player's cards of values 1-11, their totals at the time the cards are dealt, and the player's bet.
/// most other variables for the program are defined here.
if (playerTotal == 22)
playerTotal = 12;
System.out.print("You have $" + playerMoney + ", " + playerName + ". How much would you like to bet? $");
bet = keyboard.nextDouble();
if (bet > playerMoney)
System.out.println("You don't have that much money. Bet less.");
betIsGood = false;
else if (bet < 0)
System.out.println("You can't bet a negative amount of money, try again");
betIsGood = false;
betIsGood = true;
playerMoney = playerMoney - bet;
}while (betIsGood == false);
for (int x = 1; x < 4; x++)
System.out.print("\rThe dealer is dealing ");
System.out.print("\rThe dealer is dealing. ");
System.out.print("\rThe dealer is dealing.. ");
System.out.print("\rThe dealer is dealing... ");
Thread.sleep(250); /* adds suspense to the dealing of the cards and a pausing animation */
} /// runs short animation 3 times ///
System.out.println("\r ");
System.out.println("You were dealt a " + cardTitle(playerCard1) + " and a " + cardTitle(playerCard2) + ".");
System.out.println("[" + cardAbbreviation(playerCard1) + "] [" + cardAbbreviation(playerCard2) + "]");
System.out.println("Your total is " + playerTotal);
if (playerTotal == 21)
System.out.println("\nYou got blackjack! You win $" + (1.5*bet) + "!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet + (1.5*bet);
System.out.println("The dealer has a " + cardTitle(dealerCard1) + " showing.");
System.out.println("[[" + cardAbbreviation(dealerCard1) + "]");
if (dealerTotal == 21)
System.out.println("[" + cardAbbreviation(dealerCard2) + " [" + cardAbbreviation(dealerCard1) + "]");
System.out.println("\nThe dealer got blackjack! You lose!");
System.out.println("His total is hidden.\n");
if (cardName(playerCard1) == cardName(playerCard2) && bet + bet <= playerMoney)
System.out.print ("Would you like to double down (yes/no)? ");
if (("yes"))
int value = cardValue(playerCard1), playerTotal1, playerTotal2;
playerMoney = playerMoney - bet;
System.out.println("You split your cards... both of them are" + cardName(playerCard1) + "s.");
newCard = nextCard(cards);
playerTotal1 = value + cardValue(newCard);
System.out.print("For your first " + cardName(playerCard1) + ", you are also dealt a " + cardTitle(newCard) + ", for a total of " + playerTotal1 + ".");
if (playerTotal1 == 21)
System.out.println("\nYou got blackjack! You win $" + (1.5*bet) + "! dayumm!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet + (1.5*bet);
blackjack1 = true;
System.out.println("Would you like to \"hit\" or \"stay\"? ");
ans =;
if (ans.equals("hit"))
newCard = nextCard(cards);
playerTotal1 = playerTotal1 + cardValue(newCard);
System.out.println("You were dealt a " + cardTitle(newCard) + ".");
while (ans.equals("hit") && playerTotal1 < 22)
System.out.print("Your total is " + playerTotal1 + ". Would you like to \"hit\" or \"stay\"? ");
ans =;
if (ans.equals("hit"))
newCard = nextCard(cards);
playerTotal1 = cardValue(nextCard(cards)) + value;
System.out.println("You were dealt a " + cardTitle(newCard) + ".");
if (playerTotal1 > 21)
System.out.println("\nAw man, your total is " + playerTotal1 + ", so you bust! Better luck with your other card.");
else if (blackjack1 == false)
System.out.println("\nYour toal is " + playerTotal1 + ". Now for the next card.");
newCard = nextCard(cards);
playerTotal2 = value + cardValue(newCard);
System.out.println("For your second " + cardName(playerCard2) + ", you are also dealt a " + cardTitle(newCard) + ", for a total of " + playerTotal1 + ".");
if (playerTotal2 == 21)
System.out.println("\nYou got blackjack! You win $" + (1.5*bet) + "! dayumm!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet + (1.5*bet);
blackjack2 = true;
System.out.println("Would you like to \"hit\" or \"stay\"? ");
ans =;
if (ans.equals("hit"))
newCard = nextCard(cards);
playerTotal2 = cardValue(nextCard(cards)) + value;
System.out.println("You were dealt a " + cardTitle(newCard) + ".");
while (ans.equals("hit") && playerTotal2 < 22)
System.out.print("Your total is " + playerTotal2 + ". Would you like to \"hit\" or \"stay\"? ");
ans =;
if (ans.equals("hit"))
newCard = nextCard(cards);
playerTotal2 = playerTotal2 + cardValue(newCard);
System.out.println("You were dealt a " + cardTitle(newCard) + ".");
if (playerTotal2 > 21)
System.out.println("\nAw man, your total is " + playerTotal2 + ", so you bust! Better luck with your other card.");
else if (blackjack2 == false)
System.out.println("\nYour toal is " + playerTotal2 + ".");
/// removed lines here.
if (playerTotal1 > 21 && playerTotal2 > 21)
System.out.println("\nYou busted on both your cards! You lose!");
else if (blackjack1 == false || blackjack2 == false && (playerTotal1 < 21 || playerTotal2 < 21))
System.out.println("Now it is the dealer's turn.");
System.out.println("The dealer flips over his other card. He now has a " + cardTitle(dealerCard1) + " and a " + cardTitle(dealerCard2) + " showing.");
while (dealerTotal < 17 && (dealerTotal < playerTotal1 || dealerTotal < playerTotal2))
newCard = nextCard(cards);
dealerTotal = dealerTotal + cardValue(newCard);
System.out.print("The dealer hits. ");
System.out.println("He is dealt a " + cardTitle(newCard) + ".");
System.out.println("The dealer's total is now " + dealerTotal + ".");
System.out.println("Your card totals are " + playerTotal2 + " and " + playerTotal2 + ", and the dealer's card total is " + dealerTotal + ".");
if (dealerTotal > 21)
System.out.println("\nThe dealer busts! You win!");
if (blackjack1 == false && blackjack2 == false)
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet + bet + bet + bet;
else if ((blackjack1 == false && blackjack2 == true) || (blackjack2 == false && blackjack1 == true))
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet + bet;
else if (dealerTotal == playerTotal1 && dealerTotal == playerTotal2)
System.out.println("\nYou and the dealer have the same card totals, so it is a push... nobody wins!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet + bet;
else if ((dealerTotal == playerTotal1 && dealerTotal > playerTotal2) || (dealerTotal == playerTotal2 && dealerTotal > playerTotal1))
System.out.println("\nYou and the dealer tie, or push on one hand. The dealer wins the other hand. Better luck next time!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet;
else if ((dealerTotal == playerTotal1 && dealerTotal < playerTotal2) || (dealerTotal == playerTotal2 && dealerTotal < playerTotal1))
System.out.println("\nYou and the dealer tie, or push on one hand. You win the other hand. Not bad!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet + bet + bet;
System.out.println("\nYou won both hands! What luck!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet + bet + bet + bet;
System.out.println("Ok, then your total remains the same");
System.out.print("Your total is " + playerTotal + ". Would you like to \"hit\" or \"stay\"? ");
ans =;
if (ans.equals("hit"))
newCard = nextCard(cards);
playerTotal = playerTotal + cardValue(newCard);
System.out.println("You were dealt a " + cardTitle(newCard) + ".");
}while (ans.equals("hit") && playerTotal < 22);
System.out.println("\nYour total is " + playerTotal);
if (playerTotal > 21)
System.out.println("\nSince your total is over 21, you bust! Better luck next time, loser.");
System.out.println("Now it is the dealer's turn.\n");
System.out.println("The dealer flips over his other card. He now has a " + cardTitle(dealerCard1) + " and a " + cardTitle(dealerCard2) + " showing.");
while (dealerTotal < 17 && dealerTotal < playerTotal)
newCard = nextCard(cards);
dealerTotal = dealerTotal + cardValue(newCard);
System.out.print("The dealer hits. ");
System.out.println("He is dealt a " + cardTitle(newCard) + ".");
System.out.println("The dealer's total is now " + dealerTotal + ".");
System.out.println("Your card total is " + playerTotal + ", and the dealer's card total is " + dealerTotal + ".");
if (dealerTotal > 21)
System.out.println("\nThe dealer busts! You win!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet + bet;
else if (playerTotal > dealerTotal)
System.out.println("\nYou done won the game. Good job!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet + bet;
else if (playerTotal == dealerTotal)
System.out.println("\nYou and the dealer have the same card total, so you push. Nobody wins!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet;
else if (playerTotal < dealerTotal)
System.out.println("\nOooh you suck man, the dealer won this game. Better luck next time!");
if (cardName(playerCard1) == cardName(playerCard2) && bet + bet > playerMoney)
System.out.println("I'd ask if you want to double down, but you don't have enough money for that :( .");
System.out.print("Your total is " + playerTotal + ". Would you like to \"hit\" or \"stay\"? ");
ans =;
if (ans.equals("hit"))
newCard = nextCard(cards);
playerTotal = playerTotal + cardValue(newCard);
System.out.println("You were dealt a " + cardTitle(newCard) + ".");
}while (ans.equals("hit") && playerTotal < 22);
System.out.println("Your total is " + playerTotal);
if (playerTotal > 21)
System.out.println("Since your total is over 21, you bust! Better luck next time, loser.");
System.out.println("Now it is the dealer's turn.\n");
System.out.println("The dealer flips over his other card. He now has a " + cardTitle(dealerCard1) + " and a " + cardTitle(dealerCard2) + " showing.");
while (dealerTotal < 17 && dealerTotal < playerTotal)
newCard = nextCard(cards);
dealerTotal = dealerTotal + cardValue(newCard);
System.out.print("The dealer hits. ");
System.out.println("He is dealt a " + cardTitle(newCard) + ".");
System.out.println("The dealer's total is now " + dealerTotal + ".");
System.out.println("Your card total is " + playerTotal + ", and the dealer's card total is " + dealerTotal + ".");
if (dealerTotal > 21)
System.out.println("\nThe dealer busts! You win!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet + bet;
else if (playerTotal > dealerTotal)
System.out.println("\nYou done won the game. Good job!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet + bet;
else if (playerTotal == dealerTotal)
System.out.println("\nYou and the dealer have the same card total, so you push. Nobody wins!");
playerMoney = playerMoney + bet;
else if (playerTotal < dealerTotal)
System.out.println("\nOooh you suck man, the dealer won this game. Better luck next time!");
if (playerMoney == 0)
System.out.println("You can't play again because you have no money. bummer.");
playAgain = "no";
System.out.print("\nDo you want to play again? ");
playAgain =;
}while (playAgain.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"));
System.out.println("\nThanks for playing, come again!");
public static String cardTitle(int card) /// returns the full name and suit of the card
String name = cardName(card);
String suit = cardSuit(card);
return (name + " of " + suit);
public static String cardAbbreviation(int card) /// abbreviates the card name; ie. "king" = "K"
String name = cardName(card), abbv;
if (name.equals("Ace"))
abbv = "A";
else if (name.equals("King"))
abbv = "K";
else if (name.equals("Queen"))
abbv = "Q";
else if (name.equals("Jack"))
abbv = "J";
abbv = cardName(card);
return abbv;
public static String cardName(int card) /// returns the name of the card
String name, suit = cardSuit(card);
if (suit.equals("hearts"))
if (card <= 8)
name = String.valueOf(card + 2);
else if (card == 9 )
name = "Jack";
else if (card == 10 )
name = "Queen";
else if (card == 11 )
name = "King";
name = "Ace";
else if (suit.equals("spades"))
card = card - 13;
if (card <= 8)
name = String.valueOf(card + 2);
else if (card == 9 )
name = "Jack";
else if (card == 10 )
name = "Queen";
else if (card == 11 )
name = "King";
name = "Ace";
else if (suit.equals("diamonds"))
card = card - 26;
if (card <= 8)
name = String.valueOf(card + 2);
else if (card == 9 )
name = "Jack";
else if (card == 10 )
name = "Queen";
else if (card == 11 )
name = "King";
name = "Ace";
card = card - 39;
if (card <= 8)
name = String.valueOf(card + 2);
else if (card == 9 )
name = "Jack";
else if (card == 10 )
name = "Queen";
else if (card == 11 )
name = "King";
name = "Ace";
return name;
public static int cardValue(int card) /// determines the value of a card (1-11)
int value;
String suit = cardSuit(card);
if (suit.equals("hearts"))
if (card <= 8)
value = card + 2;
else if (card < 12)
value = 10;
value = 11;
else if (suit.equals("spades"))
card = card - 13;
if (card <= 8)
value = card + 2;
else if (card < 12)
value = 10;
value = 11;
else if (suit.equals("diamonds"))
card = card - 26;
if (card <= 8)
value = card + 2;
else if (card < 12)
value = 10;
value = 11;
card = card - 39;
if (card <= 8)
value = card + 2;
else if (card < 12)
value = 10;
value = 11;
return value;
public static String cardSuit(int card) /// determines what suit a card is
if (card <= 12)
return "hearts";
else if (card <= 25)
return "spades";
else if (card <= 38)
return "diamonds";
return "clubs";
public static int nextCard(Integer[] cards)
if (index == 51)
index = 0;
return cards[index++];
Picture of the output