Assignemnt #103: Keychains for Sale, real ultimate power


    /// Name: Kelsey Lieberman
    /// Period 5
    /// Program Name: RealChainz
    /// File Name:
    /// Date Finished: 2/2/2016
import java.util.Scanner;

public class RealChainz
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        int choice, end = 0, price = 10, numChainz = 0, SCPO = 5, SCPK = 1;
        double salesTax = 0.0825;
            System.out.println("\nYe Olde Keychain Shoppe\n\n1. Add Keychains to Order\n2. Remove Keychains from Order\n3. View Current Order\n4. Checkout");
            System.out.print("\nPlease Enter Your Choice (1-4): ");
            choice = keyboard.nextInt();
            if (choice == 1 )
                numChainz = addKeychains(numChainz);
            else if (choice == 2 )
                numChainz = removeKeychains(numChainz);
            else if (choice == 3 )
                viewOrder(numChainz, price, SCPO, SCPK, salesTax);
            else if (choice == 4 )
                checkout(numChainz, price, SCPO, SCPK, salesTax);
                end = 1;
             System.out.println("ERROR: Please enter a valid menu option (1-4).");
        }while (end != 1 );

    public static int addKeychains(int numChainz)
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        int add;
        System.out.println("\nADD KEYCHAINS...");
        System.out.print("You have " + numChainz + " keychains. How many keychains do you want to add? ");
        add = keyboard.nextInt();
        if (add < 0)
            System.out.println("Please enter a positive number of keychainz to add. If you would like to add negative keychainz, you can subtract keychainz from your order in menu option 2.");
            numChainz = numChainz + add;
            System.out.println("You now have " + numChainz + " keychains.");
        return numChainz;
    public static int removeKeychains(int numChainz)
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        int remove;
        System.out.println("\nREMOVE KEYCHAINS");
        System.out.print("You have " + numChainz + " keychains.");
         if (numChainz != 0)
            System.out.print(" How many keychains do you want to remove? ");
            remove = keyboard.nextInt();
            if (remove < 0)
                System.out.println("Please enter a positive integer. If you want to subtract negative keychainz from your order, you can add keychains to your order in menu option 1.");
                numChainz = numChainz - remove;
                System.out.println("You now have " + numChainz + " keychains.");
            System.out.println("\nYou need to add keychains before you can remove any, Dingus.");
        return numChainz;
    public static void viewOrder(int numChainz, int price, int SCPO, int SCPK, double salesTax)
        double shipping = (SCPO + (SCPK*numChainz)), subtotal = (shipping + (numChainz*price)), tax = numChainz*price*salesTax;
        System.out.println("\nVIEW ORDER");
        System.out.println("You have " + numChainz + " keychains.");
        System.out.println("Keychains cost $" + price + " each.");
        System.out.println("Initial cost is $" + (numChainz * price) + ".");
        System.out.println("Shipping is $" + SCPO + " per order, plus $" + SCPK + " per keychain, for a total shipping cost of $" + shipping + ".");
        System.out.println("Your Subtotal is: $" + subtotal + ".");
        System.out.println("Tax is $" + tax + ".");
        System.out.println("Your total is " + (tax + subtotal) + ".");
    public static void checkout(int numChainz, int price, int SCPO, int SCPK, double salesTax)
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        double shipping = (SCPO + (SCPK*numChainz)), subtotal = (shipping + (numChainz*price)), tax = numChainz*price*salesTax;
        String name;
        System.out.print("What is your name? ");
        name =;
        viewOrder(numChainz, price, SCPO, SCPK, salesTax);
        System.out.println("\nThank you for visiting Ye Olde Keychain Shoppe, " + name + "!\n");

Picture of the output

Assignment 103 Assignment 103